About the Authors
Bryony Williams Sheppard - By Gina
"My daughter came into this world fist first. Literally. I was there. I saw it.
It was no surprise to me that in addition to being bright and beautiful, my Bryony is strong, determined, and always full of ideas to be put into action. When Bree decided that "we" were going to write picture books because she needed them for her classroom, I had no doubt that my career was headed in a new direction. I also had no doubt about my partner's abilities. When I wrote books for middle grade and teen readers, Bree was my 'creative consultant'. It was her creative spirit that drew her to Emerson College where she spent four happy, hard-working years earning her degree in theater education. Bree discovered that her way of expressing creativity was not in performance, or the business of the arts, but in cultivating and nurturing creativity in children.
To that end, she is always looking for new ways to explore avenues of discovery for bright young minds. How grateful I am that she has led me into this wonderful adventure."

Gina Cascone by Bree -
"There are three things to know about Gina Cascone (four, if you count the fact that she has an amazing and brilliant daughter:-). The first is that she loves ice cream. You think you love ice cream... but you don’t. Not like she loves ice cream. She could easily finish multiple banana splits and go back for more. I’m not sure where she puts it all, and I have no idea how she doesn’t get sick.
The second is that she has often stated that being a grandmother is the best job in the world, and she excels at this endeavor. Her love of ice cream can’t hurt the relationship with her grandchildren either. The joy and happiness that fills her heart when her grandchildren walk into the room is both energetic and infectious. She spends time running, playing, reading, and cooking with them, passing on all that she knows. It is one of the many reasons that her grandchildren adore her.
And finally, she is the accomplished author of 32 published books covering many different genres including middle grade and young adult thrillers, memoirs, humor, and now a children’s picture book. She has written a movie and a network TV series as well. In her years, she has taken great pride in creating wonderful stories that fill pages and imaginations all around the world.
You can learn more about Gina's other books by clicking here.