“Around the Bookstores Tour” Northshire Bookstore

Come meet Gina and Bree when they drop by to sign stock
From 2:30 PM until 3:00 PM
At Northshire Bookstore
4869 Main Street Manchester VT 05255
Jessica Wood / 800-437-3700
Manchester Center, VT - Our original store, founded in 1976, is located at 4869 Main Street right in the center of town. This building, known as the Colburn House, was a continuously operating Inn for over a century before we converted it to a bookstore in 1985. We are a large (10,000 square feet) general bookstore with a large floor devoted to Children. We have tried to create a store that fosters browsing and discovery. We can, of course, get any book in print, but we believe in the joy of serendipity and have laid out the store to enhance this experience. Beyond the best in books, we offer a full line of stationery, magazines, cards, calendars, local and VT foods and many fine gifts from clothing to jewelry. In addition, the popular Spiral Press Cafe is attached to the store so there is no need to leave the building for coffee or baked goods or lunch.