April Gives Birth to Wonder and Joy

“Do you know about April the giraffe?”  That was how Bree opened her phone call to me on Saturday morning.

“Yes,” I answered. “She’s going to have a baby.”

“She’s having it right now!” she informed me with no small degree of urgency. “Get to your computer!”

I was already half-way there. For the next 30 minutes, the two of us stayed on the phone transfixed by the miracle of birth. We were with April, heart and soul. We breathed with her. We pushed with her. We cheered her on.  And when her baby finally came, we rejoiced as if we had done it ourselves.

But we weren’t alone in this. As we watched the live feed, a steady stream of hearts, smiley faces, and thumbs-up, danced across the screen. Viewers were checking in not only from all over the US but from Canada, England, and even Australia to watch. All around the world, people were participating in the joy of welcoming a new life, commenting on the beauty and wonder of it all.

It does not get any better than that.  In the northern hemisphere, it is springtime. New life is all around. Spend some time enjoying life’s little miracles.

Watch video here.

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